Saugeen River Canoe Route
Saugeen Concession 4 to Bruce Road County Road 17
(paddle time 2hrs)
This Canoe launch is popular with those looking for a good five to six-hour day trip ending at Denny's Dam in Southampton. Further downstream, the river is braided by sandy, treed islands, which are the remnants of a former delta. These islands dot this section of the river and help create some exciting small rapids. Try some of the alternate routes through these islands for sense of adventure. The banks are lined with family farms dating back to the mid-1800. A paddle of about two hours brings the paddlers to the next bridge that holds Bruce County Road 17. The canoe launch parking lot is found on the right side of the river.

River Access
County Road #17 - Thede's Bridge
Location: Bruce County Road #17, east of Port Elgin or 4.5km. west of Bruce Road #3.
Directions: Traveling north on Hwy #9, take the County road #3 (Elora Road) turnoff just past the town of Mildmay. Follow County road #3 through Paisley to the flashing light of Burgoyne. Turn left (northwest) on County Road #17 and continue 4.5km to the bridge. Just before the bridge is the entrance to the parking lot.
Facilities: River access, parking, picnic table, garbage can.
Description: Access is 30m down a gentle slope to a low level shore. The entrance is northeast of the bridge at the County of Bruce ramp and park sign.