Saugeen River Canoe Route
Hanover to Maple Hill Dam
(paddle time 1hrs)
Launching from the Hanover Town Park is the beginning of the Main Saugeen River Canoe Route the most frequently traveled section of the Saugeen watershed begins. Soon after leaving the Dock, the river widens and slows down as it winds its way along the outskirts of Hanover and passes underneath Highway 4.
Hanover Town Park
Just past the bridge the South Saugeen joins the main river. This tributary can also be paddled in the higher water of spring and fall however beware of sweepers and flood debris. This junction point provides a marshy habitat for many birds, animals and fish including numerous Canada Geese, mallard ducks, wood ducks, muskrats and the occasional beaver.
The river continues to wind its way through fairly dense overhanging trees until reaching the Maple Hill Dam. The portage around the dam is on the left bank of the river. There is a marked portage at the foot of a bridge that is just upriver from the dam, but it tends to be overgrown and marshy. In higher water levels you can also take out just before the bridge, portage across the road and down the lane to the base of the dam. Another choice, in low water levels, is to paddle right up to the dam on its extreme left and take out there, carrying up the gravel bank around the dam and back down for a shorter portage of about 50 meters.

River Access Point
Hanover Town Park
Location: The Hanover Park is 1km north of Highway #4 on Grey Road #10. You pass west through the park gates and down the lower road; down the middle, not the right.
Directions: Traveling north on Hwy #9, just past the town of Clifford turn to the right on County Road #10 and follow to the lights at Hwy #4 in Hanover. Go straight 1km, the Park is on the left. To visit the Hanover location of Thorncrest Outfitters turn right at the lights; the shop is 1 block down on the right side.
Facilities: Access dock, parking, camping, washrooms, skate park, playground, outdoor BBQ's and picnic shelter.
Description: Good parking beside the access point, but no signs indicating it. Multi-day paddlers should park on the pavement by the skate park where overnight parking is permitted. There is a turn-around beside the Dock, but it does get muddy when it rains.